About Us

Tenant CHCKED Is Your #1 Trusted Source For Comprehensive Tenant Background Screenings

Who We Are

Tenant CHCKED is a division of Real ID, Inc. - a background screening solutions company, first founded in 2005. While you have many choices in the industry, we claim the high ground when it comes to the quality of data we provide, the efficacy of the search algorithms we employ, and the formatting of the reports you receive to make sense of it all. In short, we aim to deliver FASTER & BETTER decisions than anyone else.

Our Mission

Technology is limitless. It's constantly evolving and changing the way we do things. Our mission is to leverage the latest technologies to assist our customers in mitigating risk, improving decision making and to continually maintain market leadership through innovation, ease of access, and product quality.

Why Tenant CHCKED?

Why run background checks during tenant screening processes?

  • Qualify Your Applicant — Make sure they have the necessary income to pay their rental agreement on time.
  • Mitigate Risk — Identify red flags quickly for an applicant by running a comprehensive credit verification check, criminal background check, and an eviction history check.
  • Save Money — The avarage eviction costs are increasing every year, and while your property is occupied you miss out on additional income too. Avoid the headache by qualifying GREAT applicants!
  • Ensure Legal Compliance — Ensure your decisions are fair and non-discriminatory by screening applicants through a neutral third party.

Our complete suite of background screening services will provide you with the information you need to make informed applicant decisions.

Applicant Screenings Protect Your Business, Tenants, And Properties

What can our background checks do for you?

  • Protect your business
  • Protect your other tenants
  • Maintain Trust and Reputation by accepting good applicants
  • Create a safe and secure community
  • Uphold industry standards
  • Maintain Compliance

We know that finding the right applicants is critical to your success, the well-being of your properties, and the communities you're managing. Our Mission is to provide you with the BEST data possible to make informed decisions.

Finding The Right Applicant Has Never Been Easier

Get Started Now!